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The Emotional Path Before and After Pole Fitness

Pole fitness is an emotional discovery for anyone who is considering it, just starting out, or already a pole fitness enthusiast. The truth is, pole fitness requires patience and acceptance in order to progress and reap the amazing benefits.

Whatever your reservations about pole fitness may be, there’s a supportive community of polers waiting to help guide you along the way. Don’t buy into the stigma of poling, it is a sport and an art. Of course, the feelings of fear, apprehension, shyness, insecurity, and defeat are all perfectly normal, meaning you’re not alone. We’ve all been at that emotional crossroads before pushing through and rising to the challenge.

We’re here to tell you that it’s time to let go of all the doubts and self-imposed barriers and raise the bar!

Let us show you the bar and share the highs and lows of the pole fitness experience. The physical and mental benefits of poling make the initial emotional merry-go-round totally worth it! It’s important to silence the discouraging “what if” thoughts and public opinions that are likely crossing your mind. The pole fitness world can transform all of these negative thoughts and feelings, and steer you towards healthy self-expression. So, if you’re interested in a new fitness routine that’s fun, exciting, and helps with weight loss and muscle tone, then poling may be your pathway!

In the Beginning Phases

At first, it’ll seem impossible to do certain moves or tricks and you might want to give in to the exhaustion and defeat. Don’t give up because this is all part of the process! The initial learning phase is not always graceful.

The facts of the matter are: poling is hard work and you will feel frustrated, or that you’re not progressing, and you’ll struggle with pole burn, new tricks, grip issues, and bruising (just like everyone else does). Remember that there are good and bad days, but only you can define your journey, so embrace the entire pole learning experience. We all learn to work through it and get stronger, as a result. With time, training, and regular practice, the impossible will suddenly be possible and you may surprise yourself.

More importantly, you will recover an abundant source of self-expression and self-love after discovering pole fitness and its impact on your life. At this point, students begin to accept that anything is possible and let go of the negative thoughts about body image, which allows them to enjoy the experience, bringing them closer to achieving fitness goals. Once we overcome our fears and insecurities, we can truly connect with our bodies and feel the excitement when we succeed in mastering a pole trick. The motivation that follows is liberating, empowering, and builds confidence. This is the emotional growth that poling inspires.

The After Phase

The physical strength and sense of control over your own body are some of the rewards that pole fitness provides. By recognizing your incredible potential, you’ll improve your technique and also, become leaner, more flexible, and toned. Poling enables us to fully experience a range of emotions, celebrate our bodies, embrace our sensuality, express ourselves, gain a sense of community, and practice self-love. All of these benefits encourage us to carry on, bond with the poler community, and feel sexy and confident at the same time.

The Power Bar Women’s Fitness community is here to cheer you on as you discover your own path through pole fitness. If you want to feel sexier and more confident, join us at the BAR & register for one of our BAR Babes classes today!


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